Elek: Unprecedented terror on Serbs, but Serbian people's victory will be Kurti's defeat

Zlatan Elek, the president of the Serb List, declared today a difficult day for Serbs in Kosovo, both north and south of the Ibar River, as Pristina is implementing unprecedented institutional and physical violence to expel Serbs from Kosovo. He emphasized that Serbs will not be left without income, and that unity and victory in the elections will be the best response to Kurti and his policy of terror.
"We witness that Kurti has nothing to offer besides violence and terror against Serbs, aiming to expel them and accuse Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church. Today was a tough day for the Serbian people, both in the south and north of the Ibar. What happened today is proof of Kurti's impotence," Elek stated at a press conference.
He conveyed that, following consultations with the state of Serbia and the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, all employees of the Serbian institutions that Kurti's regime has shut down will continue to receive their salaries and their existence will not be jeopardized.
Elek announced that the Serb List will continue to fight even more decisively with all means in the dirty electoral campaign to win and protect the Serbs.
"Kurti is trying in every way to extinguish Serbian institutions and the Serb List, to expel Serbs. This is evident from the actions of his Self-Determination movement, which did not even want the Serb List to participate in the elections. The Serb List shares the fate of its people," Elek stated.
He reminded that the regime of Albin Kurti closed institutions and temporary bodies in Pristina, Vitina, Gnjilane, Lipljan, Gracanica, Novo Brdo, Vucitrn, Pasjane, Kosovska Kamenica, as well as the premises of Post of Serbia, the Coordination Center in Novi Badovci, the offices of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic of Serbia in Gracanica, the social work center serving the city of Pristina, Lipljan, Obilic, and Kosovo Polje, and the social work center in Vucitrn.
Further, he stated that this shows that the Serb List shares the fate of its people while they try to prohibit it from participating in the elections and fighting for the rights of the Serbian people. Elek also announced he would meet with the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, after returning from Brussels.
"We will address all international missions and embassies regarding this unprecedented institutional and physical terror and ask why they supported this act by Kurti and why they remain silent on all these actions by Kurti, which he carries out unhindered, with their support, in the north and south of Kosovo. They might temporarily close buildings, but they cannot prevent the assistance of the state of Serbia, nor the Serb List from caring for its people and participating in these elections," Elek stated.
The strength and victory of the Serb List will be the best response to Kurti and his policy of terror, and the victory of the Serbian people will be Kurti's defeat, Elek emphasized.
The president of the Serb List stated that they will act in accordance with reality, and the reality is the unprecedented and blatant terror of Albin Kurti.
"It has almost never been harder to be a Serb in Kosovo and Metohija than it is today. Now is the time to stand together more firmly, to close ranks, to be united, to be cohesive, to be wise and smart. Our unity and victory will be the strongest responses to Albin Kurti and the defeat of him and his policy of terror. That is what he wants to do, to prevent the Serb List from participating in the elections and to scare the Serbs from voting. Our victory, the victory of the Serbian people, will be Kurti's defeat," Elek proclaimed.
Milan Kostic, President of the Temporary Municipal Authority of Vucitrn, stated that Albin Kurti intended to demonstrate force over the Serbian people today. The events in Vucitrn, he says, showcase Kurti's intent to expel Serbs from their homes.
"In the Temporary Authority, 60 people work. Today, by shutting down the institutions, he has left them without jobs. Thanks to Serbia, they will not lose their salaries and will continue to assist their people," added Kostic.
He is convinced that the Serb List will convincingly win the upcoming elections.
He declared that the Serbian people are not frightened by Kurti.
"Let it be known that we must defend our hearths and our children. We will not give up, and we will not leave Kosovo and Metohija," emphasized Kostic.
Milovan Joksimovic, President of the Temporary Municipal Authority of Lipljan, mentioned that the police detained him and three employees for four hours without any reason or special questioning.
"The Lipljan Municipality served 10,000 citizens, but these people will not survive without services and social benefits. Our 150 employees in the Municipality will not be left without salaries. Those who wanted to exert some pressure on the institutions didn't aim to achieve that but to intimidate the Serbian people south of the Ibar, as they do in the north. We are a smart and mature people and will not allow anyone to drive us from these territories," Joksimovic proclaimed.
Responding to journalists' questions about the activities of Serb List members in the Kosovo parliament before leaving, Igor Simic said that members of this party had repeatedly asked to speak in the Assembly, for which there are video and audio records online.
"We will always fight for the interests of the Serbian people and Serbia in these territories. Kurti understands this well, which is why he does this. He persecutes all those who speak of Serbia and Serbdom. The moment we left the parliament, we did so to draw the attention of the international community because we had enough of the anemic statements we hear today, how they condemn what Kurti does, but never said that the situation should be returned to the previous state, that is, to allow the reopening of all these institutions in Kosovo and Metohija," pointed out Simic.
Dalibor Jevtic, President of the Temporary Municipal Authority of Strpce, emphasized that there is an attack on all things Serbian.
"Everything that Kurti's regime does to Serbs, Serbia, Vucic, and the Serb List are blamed. That is the goal. When someone says we have done nothing, that we stand and are silent, I respond to look back at the year 2022. Among the first municipalities that were closed is the Temporary body in Strpce. We held a protest, and afterward, in the local assembly in the Kosovo system, by a two-thirds majority, we adopted an initiative to allow the uninterrupted operation of PO Strpce, which is in the Brussels Agreement. We sent this to the address of all relevant institutions, to which we have not received a response. This is just one example of our democratic fight to protect the interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija," said Jevtic.
He also noted that the Serb List is currently the most attacked by Kurti and others, which proves that this party protects Serbian interests and is a bulwark against those who want to attack the Serbian people in Kosovo.
"Every Serb living in these territories is Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija. That is our message to them, no matter how much they try, as they indeed are. They think they will drive us from these territories, but they are greatly mistaken," Jevtic declared.
Simic stated that none of the citizens would be deprived of the services provided by the institutions closed today.
"The assistance that has been coming in recent months in Kosovo and Metohija is more substantial and larger, precisely to show Serbia's clear intent to keep Serbs in these territories. Consultations are underway, and tomorrow we will have more information, after talks with Petar Petkovic. The fact is that no one will be deprived of any service from Serbian institutions, employees will not lose their entitlements, and citizens will not be left without help," said Simic.
He reminded that although the building Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic of Serbia in North Mitrovica is closed, people still receive their pensions and realize their rights without problems, albeit with difficulties.
"The fight is based on having institutions that allocate enormous resources for the Serbian people, and Serbian houses are still being built all over Kosovo and Metohija with the support of Serbia, funds are given for salaries, pensions, and social benefits. Starting from February, thanks to Vucic's initiative, 5,000 unemployed will receive financial support. Every child receives a child allowance, and there are more than 13,000 of them. Every day all entitlements are paid out. All thanks to the democratic fight of the Serb List under impossible conditions. We survive in these territories, and the people survive thanks to our fight, and Serbia's fight," Simic declared.
He noted that more than 32,000 salaries are received by Serbs from the budget of Serbia, as well as more than 28,000 pensions, 13,000 meal allowances, totaling about 75,000 people who have direct support from Serbia.
Simic added that Kurti had announced that more than 30 percent of Serbs would leave the territory of Kosovo, while he "will send 30 percent to prison."
"Many Serbian families had to relocate to central Serbia, but thank God, we are still here and there will be more of us. And, after February 9th, the victories of the Serbian people in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija will begin, naturally with the change of international politics that is in force today," concluded Simic.