Mijacic: A political agreement needed on voting venues in the north

Source: Kosovo Online
Dragisa MIjacic, the Coordinator of the Working Group of the National Convention on the EU for Chapter 35, stated to Kosovo Online that a political agreement on the use of voting venues, primarily educational facilities, should be reached ahead of the parliamentary elections on February 9. He emphasized that such an agreement would be a good way to motivate citizens to turn out in large numbers for these elections.
"This would be a constructive way for the Serbian side to demonstrate cooperation in this process and an effective way to encourage citizens to participate massively in these elections. These elections are crucial not only for Kosovo but also for the Serbian community. Therefore, I see no reason why schools should remain closed during the upcoming electoral process in Kosovo," MIjacic stated.
The Central Election Commission has designated 45 locations for voting in four municipalities in northern Kosovo, most of which are primary and secondary schools.