Novakovic: Unilateral moves by Kurti possible; the Ibar Bridge a powerful symbol
Senior associate at the Center for International and Security Affairs (ISAC Fund), Igor Novakovic, does not rule out the possibility of unilateral actions by the Pristina administration regarding the opening of the main bridge on the Ibar, as it is a powerful symbol for both the Albanian and Serbian communities. He believes that opening this bridge would serve as a key pre-election argument for Prime Minister Albin Kurti, signaling that the primary symbol of Serbian resistance has been overcome.
"I believe that unilateral moves are possible. We have seen a series of such actions over the past year and a half or more. However, this raises the question of how KFOR, which has the primary responsibility for security in Kosovo, will react. So, if it is assessed that such an action would increase tensions in northern Kosovo and between Belgrade and Pristina, I assume they would not allow it. But again, this is just my personal speculation. We would need to see what would actually happen if such an action were to take place," Novakovic said to Kosovo Online.
He considers that several factors are crucial for Prime Minister Albin Kurti in deciding to open the main bridge on the Ibar between South and North Mitrovica to traffic.
The decisive factors include the upcoming elections and the fact that this bridge is a powerful symbol for both Serbs and Albanians.
"It seems to me that the main reason for this is the upcoming parliamentary elections, which are supposed to be held early next year, but there is increasing talk that they might take place earlier, in October. Therefore, the bridge on the Ibar is a powerful symbol for both the Albanian and Serbian communities, and by opening it, a clear signal would be sent to voters, primarily in Kosovo, that the north has been integrated and that the main symbol of Serbian resistance in the north has been overcome. It seems to me that this is the policy of the entire ruling elite," Novakovic emphasized.
According to him, the ruling elites in Pristina claim that the bridge on the Ibar is no longer a security issue and that opening it to traffic is supported by the local community.
"However, my impression is that KFOR is responsible for this issue, and the question is how they will react. We know that two vehicles are parked near the bridge, so it mainly depends on them what will happen," Novakovic said.
When asked why Prime Minister Kurti is not backing down from opening the bridge despite clear warnings from Quint representatives and the EU, as well as a clear message from the US Ambassador in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier, our interlocutor said that it is due to the perception that unilateral moves might pass without significant reaction from Western allies.
"It should be kept in mind that Pristina, or rather Mr. Kurti, sees itself as a sovereign state, believes that this is an internal matter, and that they have the absolute right to do it. And this narrative has been present, I would say, for a decade concerning the Self-Determination movement, and it has persisted for the past two years. This is their main theme, as they have seen that, in principle, if there is no significant security threat, unilateral moves can pass without a significant reaction," Novakovic concluded.