Antonijevic: Now is not the time to advance Kosovo’s status in the PACE, clear message that it must establish the CSM

Milan Antonijević
Source: Kosovo Online

Legal expert Milan Antonijevic says that anyone familiar with international law would be surprised to see a proposal on the agenda of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) regarding any advancement of Kosovo’s status within this institution. He points out that the decision from April of last year clearly stated that Kosovo must first fulfill its obligation to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities.

“It is neither the time nor the place for advancing Kosovo’s status in the PACE. Let’s not forget that Kosovo is holding elections in the coming weeks, and such a move, in my opinion, would seem like support for one side, while discouraging Serbs from participating in the elections and sending a clear signal that they want to be part of Kosovo’s institutions, to claim their rights, and to ensure Kosovo fulfills its obligations under the Brussels Agreements,” Antonijevic told Kosovo Online.

Kosovo requested a change in its status within the PACE in December, but Antonijevic notes that, so far, there are no indications that such a proposal will be discussed at the January PACE session, which begins next week. He adds that there is no sign of such an initiative in discussions with Council of Europe member states or PACE members.

“Given that the status of special guest is granted to states, it is unlikely that countries that have not recognized Kosovo and are members of the Council of Europe would allow such a move to be introduced in an indirect manner. Moreover, such an action could lead to much greater turbulence in the long term, which is why I do not believe there will be attempts to make this decision in an indirect manner,” Antonijevic emphasizes.