Kamberi: Kosovo Government responsible for sending CSM decree to Constitutional Court

Belgzim Kamberi
Source: Kosovo Online

Political analyst Belgzim Kamberi tells Kosovo Online that under the agreements reached during the Brussels dialogue in 2013 and 2015, the Government of Kosovo is responsible for submitting a decree on the Community of Serb Municipalities to the Constitutional Court and that recent statements by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, claiming that the establishment of the CSM is not within the executive branch's jurisdiction, are a tactic aimed at pointing out issues with forming the CSM.

“This should be seen as political rhetoric, not only tied to the upcoming elections but also as part of the broader political process, considering that the Brussels agreements are not being implemented. Such rhetoric will continue even after the February elections,” Kamberi assessed.

He also points out that the formation of the CSM cannot proceed without new elections in northern Kosovo.

“New elections need to be held in the northern municipalities of Kosovo to ensure legitimate representatives of the citizens in these predominantly Serb-populated areas. Without these elections, we cannot finalize the process of forming the Community. According to the 2013 and 2015 agreements, the Government of Kosovo first submits a decree to the Constitutional Court, and in parallel, or as soon as possible, there must be new elections in the northern municipalities of Kosovo,” Kamberi stated.