Serb List: Continuation of police repression against Serbs, calls for international intervention

The Serb List condemned the ongoing police repression against Serbs in Kosovo, following the detention of Jovana Radosavljevic, director of the "New Social Initiative" organization at the Bistrica Bridge, and three worshippers near the Visoki Decani Monastery. The party called for an end to institutional violence against the Serbian people and demanded urgent action from international representatives.
"Fully aware of how the Kosovo Police have become a political tool of the regime in Pristina, we demand immediate action from international representatives, especially after today's arrests of civic activist Jovana Radosavljevic and three worshippers detained over a license plate frame," the Serb List said in a statement.
The statement warned that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti's political campaign could lead to further ethnically motivated attacks and placed responsibility on international institutions to intervene and prevent such incidents.
"The crackdown on Serbs by Kurti's regime is becoming a hallmark of his political campaign, with a real danger of inciting further ethnically motivated attacks, pushing the region into a spiral of undesirable events. Therefore, it is the responsibility of KFOR, EULEX, the EU, UNMIK, the OSCE, and Quint embassies to finally act and put a stop to incidents like today's," the Serb List added.