Serbs from the north facing eviction from their apartments: We are not criminals, but we will end up on the streets

The meeting organized today at the European House in North Mitrovica, according to Serbs facing eviction from their apartments, did not provide any solution to their problems.
More than 30 people attended the meeting, which was closed to the public. According to the residents, this is just another disappointment, as representatives of the European Union did not attend the meeting; only members of the Property Verification and Comparison Agency were present, who reiterated that the decision is final and that the Serbs must vacate their apartments within the stipulated timeframe.
Nenad Vucetic told Kosovo Online that his five-member family has been living in the apartment, which they are supposed to leave, since 1966, and he has all the documents for that apartment.
He came today to hear a solution for the problem that has affected not only his family but, as he says, a large number of residents of North Mitrovica and Zvecan.
"Purely a waste of time, they invited us to the meeting to find a solution that would satisfy all parties; however, at the meeting, they kept repeating that this is the final decision and that the courts are not competent for this matter. From Monday, the evictions will start, and if this is their final decision, our decision is to stay in our apartment with dignity, and they can come to evict us," says Vucetic.
He added that the meeting was occasionally unpleasant and filled with irony and mockery from the representatives of the Property Verification and Comparison Agency.
"We thought that someone from the international community would attend the meeting, but there were only Albanians who ironically mocked every question we asked, saying they were not competent and that this was their final decision. They kept repeating like parrots that it was the final decision. There was also a legal team that made these decisions, and their only proposal was to extend the deadline by a few days if someone had not yet moved their belongings out of the apartments or in case of a death in the family," he conveyed his impressions from the meeting.
Vucetic says he does not see a solution to the problem and that, after everything, people will end up on the streets.
"If we had known that no representatives from the international community would come, believe me, we wouldn't have come either. The clearing of this territory continues; they are doing this systematically. They have a process to drive people out of these areas. We will end up on the streets, I don't know what we will do or where we will go, in front of the municipality, we will bring our things to the Square or here on the promenade. This is a big problem not just for us here. This will continue, and there is no end to it. They did not want to cooperate with us. We are not criminals, and we are not to blame for this situation," said Vucetic.
Kosovo Online has learned that, in addition to the representatives of Serbs and the Property Verification and Comparison Agency, representatives from the US Embassy and the EU were also present at the meeting but did not participate in the discussion.