Spahiu: US would instigate a war in Kosovo to subjugate Serbia

Analyst Nexhmedin Spahiu says that one should not ignore the possibility of a war in Kosovo, which "would be encouraged by the United States of America in order to subjugate Serbia."
In the "Interaktiv" program on KTV, he stated that Kosovo could be close to war if Serbia continued to violate the agreements agreed upon in the dialogue.
"The reaction of the international community remains to be seen, but I believe that if Serbia continues to violate agreements, we are getting closer to war. There are three possibilities. The first is to preserve peace, and the second is to maintain the status quo and stay where we have been for 15 years, with some small steps or war," Spahiu said.
According to his words, the war in Kosovo would be instigated by the US in order to captivate Serbia.
"The US has invested for its interests, and it engages diplomacy first in every process where it has its own interests. In this case, they hired Derek Chollet and Gabriel Escobar. If the US envoys successfully implement the plan, other pressures on Serbia will continue in order for it to enter the orbit of the West, away from the Russian one. If Escobar and Chollet fail to do so, the tables will turn. A war doesn't happen out of the blue, but simply incidents start in Kosovo. Serbia is then led into a trap to intervene, and so on. And then NATO starts its work, and the US puts Serbia and the region in order," Spahiu added.
Spahiu says that the European plan does not clearly define the degree of autonomy of the Serbs in Kosovo, expressed by the term "self-governance."
He adds that a lot of energy is being wasted on whether this plan represents a de jure recognition of Kosovo by Serbia, while the focus, according to him, should be on the jurisdictions of the Community of Municipalities with a Serb majority.
"That is not very important because we spend a lot of energy on whether it is a de jure recognition of independence or not, while the discussion should be focused on the Community jurisdictions. The Franco-German plan has the only uncertainty about what will be the degree of autonomy of the Serbs in Kosovo expressed through a self-governing formula or preliminary agreements for the Community because this 2015 agreement is contradictory and must be reformulated so that the provisions of the Community statute are not contradictory," Spahiu noted.
He emphasized that intermediaries could propose a "take it or leave it" version for the Community of Municipalities with a Serb majority.
"The epilogue will be that the intermediaries will create a text with the authorities of the Community of Municipalities with a Serb majority in a take-it-or-leave-it format, but it will be too late to refuse it then. It must be prepared now so that when the proposal comes, it will be more favorable for Kosovo," Spahiu stated.
He accused Prime Minister Albin Kurti of not understanding the concept of a nation.
"If he understood, he would not be contradictory in his statements. He makes an international agreement with the Government of Albania, which means that it is an agreement between two nations, and then he says that we (Kosovo and Albania) are one nation," Spahiu said.