Arrested Serb from Kosovska Kamenica, lawyer Arsic says the Prosecution lacks sufficient evidence

Osnovni sud u Prištini
Source: RTK2

A Serbian man, M.M. (1955), was arrested yesterday in the village of Bosce near Kosovska Kamenica, and lawyer Vasilije Arsic stated to Kosovo Online that the Prosecution currently lacks sufficient evidence against his client.

Arsic, who was engaged by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, mentioned having a conversation with the prosecutor leading the investigation or proceedings against M.M. from the village of Bosce, municipality of Kamenica. He was informed that his client was involved in the criminal act of "grave desecration."

"I was informed that he was involved in the criminal act of 'grave desecration,' but for now, the Prosecution does not have enough evidence to consider it a war crime, or rather, there is not enough evidence of his participation in the commission of a war crime," Arsic said.

He stated that he was aware that the Prosecution had been conducting investigations at the site of the destroyed grave, where a "body was buried and exhumed," for quite some time.