Who in the West wants blood to be shed in Kosovo again?
Some powerful people from the West want blood, conflicts and misfortune in Kosovo again. Otherwise, Albin Kurti would not have behaved like this and would not have sent weapons to the north every day with threats that he would attack the Serbs with all his might, calling them criminals, as in the past when in Nazi Germany Jews were considered inferior beings who could be persecuted with impunity and killed.
Actually, Albin Kurti is not doing anything new. He is just rewriting the model from the historical textbooks and has the same assistants as in 1998 and as his predecessors the Balli Kombetar Fascists.
The armed terror of the Pristina police in majority Serbian areas, and especially in the north of Kosovo, introduces us to an extremely dangerous phase of this long crisis. Crazy people are preparing a new pogrom, a new Kristallnacht for the Serbs. This is clear to the Serbs, and that is why they are more determined than ever to defend themselves and not back down from the riotous police force that the extremists from Pristina are sending to the north.
What state of morals in the West are we talking about when the gentlemen from Brussels disappeared yesterday? There is no mention of the completely unfounded arrest of Dejan Pantic in Jarinje, and then the rampage of Kurti's special forces in Severna Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok, around Gazivode. Shooting at Serbs, mistreatment, scenes like from the worst period of the armed rebellion of the gangs in Kosovo in 1998.
What kind of western civilization is it today when it is able to negotiate and settle accounts with this kind of government in Pristina and this kind of Aljbina Kurti? Kudos to Richard Grenell for speaking publicly and very clearly about Kurti's harmful and dangerous policy, but there are not enough voices in the West who openly point out where the problem is and that it is high time to stop it.
Wait, what is wrong with the Serbs? The fact that they will not tolerate the arbitrariness and implementation of Albin Kurti's cruel policy towards them, and that at the same time they demand the implementation of international agreements. If it is disputed by influential circles in Berlin, London, Brussels, then we really have a big problem. Not with Kurti but with them.
In some earlier dark times, for example, during Hitler's Germany, it was fairer. The Nazi Party carried out its policy publicly. In today's vocabulary, everything was transparent. And now threats from the West are brought by smiling faces, through the story of a better future and various forms of cooperation, while at the same time they tolerate and even directly help the implementation of the brutal anti-Serb policy of Aljbin Kurti.
There seems to be elements of revenge in the behavior of certain Western countries towards the Serbs. But revenge for what? Isn't that wagon from Compiegne still relevant?
Therefore, we have entered an extremely risky phase. The development of events is rapidly moving in the direction of a complete escalation of tensions, in the phase of direct conflicts between Kurti's police and the Serbs. The West must urgently decide whether it wants peace and cooperation, or for the sake of Kurti's happiness, let the evil completely escape the bottle. If they let Kurti decide, we know what comes next.
And the Serbs are ready and fully determined to defend themselves. They have no other choice. They do not want to continue to be arrested on false charges and held in Kosovo casemates in staged trials, as has become the practice of the Pristina authorities. They don't want Kurti's special forces to roam their kindergartens with rifles, to break into their houses and steal wine like the Petrovićs did the other day in Velika Hoca, to beat and humiliate them like Davor Markovic did yesterday in Gazivode. They will not suffer police repression at every step, which is reflected in the bragging of uniformed Albanians with weapons on the streets of North Mitrovica or firing bursts from armored vehicles towards the Serbian villages around Zubin Potok.
Kurti is looking for and provoking incidents in the north in order to have a reason to send more Albanian police and take control there by force. He wants to neutralize the effects of the withdrawal of Serbs from the institutions, which violently shook Pristina. They invent crimes among Serbs every day, so that the Albanian police have an excuse to "maintain order" among the Serbs. At the same time, with their reckless accusations against the most prominent Serbs, they have a completely clear goal, which is to blunt the edge of the Serb defense, to create panic and confusion and thus prevent the people from being persistent in the fight against the terror of Pristina.
So everything is clear.
And, there is no longer any doubt that after such a naked attack by Kurti, the Serbs lose any possibility of returning to the previous state. All attempts by people from the West to return the Serbs to the Pristina system with lukewarm and insignificant phrases without respecting the previous agreements, and to expect a continuation of the "dialogue" and some new "agreement" in this environment will be completely meaningless and doomed in advance.
The return of Serbian forces to Kosovo, according to Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council, would not increase tensions, as some now want to show, but on the contrary. This would calm tensions because it would drive some dangerous ideas out of the minds of extremists in Pristina and in the West.
Written by: Milos Garic, editor of the Kosovo online portal