Hoti: EU sanctions will negatively impact election results in Kosovo

Afrim Hoti
Source: Kosovo Online

Afrim Hoti, a professor of international relations at the University of Pristina, believes that the EU sanctions on Kosovo will have a negative impact on the results of the February 9 elections, given that Kosovo’s political goal is integration into the European Union.

"Considering that EU integration is at the top of the political agenda, while at the same time we face sanctions from the EU, this creates two contradictions for the political class in Pristina. In this context, we will see negative consequences for the elections," Hoti said to Kosovo Online.

He added that, beyond the EU sanctions, relations with international powers could also negatively influence the election outcomes.

"EU sanctions, as well as Kosovo’s relations with other international powers, primarily the United States, Kosovo’s most important ally, will affect the elections. This will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the elections in Kosovo," Hoti concluded.