Krasniqi: Mass emigration affects the Kosovo economy

MemlJi Krasnići
Source: Ekonomia Online

The President of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Memli Krasniqi, expressed his concern about the emigration of the labor force from Kosovo, adding that this occurrence affected the Kosovo economy.

Krasniqi stated on Facebook that a large number of workers with work experience are looking for jobs in European Union countries.

"During my visit to Kamenica, I visited the "Wood Product" furniture factory, where I talked with the owner about the emigration of workers. With this emigration trend, Kosovo is in danger of becoming an abandoned country, and many companies are in danger of disappearing in the future due to a lack of human resources," Krasniqi said.

He added that the common goal should be to create conditions for business development, thus creating new jobs.

"Our common task should be to restore trust in institutions and create favorable conditions for business development so that new jobs with decent wages can be created for citizens," Krasniqi stated.