Ministry of Culture of Serbia: Opening of museum dedicated to victims of sexual violence is a fabrication and manipulation by Pristina

Ministarstvo kulture Srbije
Source: Vlada Srbije

The Ministry of Culture of Serbia has strongly condemned the opening of the so-called cultural institution in Pristina, a museum dedicated to victims of sexual violence during the Kosovo war, named "Moment," stating that it is a fabrication and manipulation by the "false state of Kosovo and its Prime Minister Albin Kurti."

In response to Kosovo Online, the Ministry of Culture stated that in an era of unilateralism, violence, and systematic persecution of the Serbian people in Kosovo, today's raid into Serbian institutions particularly highlights the hypocrisy and ruthlessness of Albin Kurti's regime.

"This is a shameless attempt to cover up the facts about the ongoing violence against the Serbian people, which continues to this day, as well as to conceal the perpetrators of these crimes behind narratives about supposed sexual violence victims. Such acts of feigning and shifting the narrative have been present for decades, but the novelty now is the use of 'cultural institutions' for these purposes," the Ministry of Culture noted.

They emphasize that with this move, Albin Kurti simultaneously mocks the true victims of crimes committed primarily against the Serbian people in Kosovo and demonstrates, as they claim, an unrestrained readiness to misuse culture for achieving unilateral and violent political goals.

"All this is even more apparent as this despicable campaign is conducted concurrently with the chronic and persistent disabling of the functioning of Serbian cultural institutions, as well as the continuous desecration, destruction, and theft of Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. Simply put, it is a familiar manner in which false concern for victims is used as a mere tool for the dehumanization of the Serbian people, thereby once again declaring them the enemy towards whom all means are seemingly justified," it was stated.

The Ministry of Culture of Serbia points out that in this way, Kurti has demonstrated his readiness to use the narrative of victims entirely for the purpose of demonizing the Serbian people, to justify the crimes against the Serbian people that have already been committed, "as well as an alibi for the crimes he is currently committing, and even those he evidently plans to commit."