Vladisavljev: EU sanctions will not undermine Kurti’s popularity gained through populist actions

Program Coordinator of the BFPE Foundation for a Responsible Society, Stefan Vladisavljev, commenting on their potential impact on Self-Determination's electoral results, assessed that the EU and US sanctions against Pristina will not undermine the popularity that Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti has gained through populist decisions and actions.
Vladisavljev points out that, while the sanctions represent Western dissatisfaction with Kurti’s governance of the Pristina administration, they have not caused tangible harm due to their limited practical effects since implementation.
"What characterizes Kurti’s leadership style is a populist approach that primarily appeals to the Albanian population in Kosovo, which supports his rule. He is no different from other populists, both in the region and globally. For the populace that backs Self-Determination and supports this governance style, even sanctions from key allies are insignificant. These measures have played little role in politically undermining him or diminishing his popularity, as he earned it largely by enacting populist policies in the territory under his control throughout his term," Vladisavljev told Kosovo Online.
He notes that the opposition would attempt to leverage these restrictive measures as a tool against the current ruling party in Kosovo, as sanctions highlight strained relations between the Pristina administration and Washington.
However, he says that there is a degree of uncertainty in Kosovo regarding the stance of the incoming US administration toward the Pristina authorities.
The new US administration is expected to have even less tolerance for certain unilateral actions previously taken by Pristina, he explained.
“This will send a second signal. If relations with the current administration, which has traditionally been sympathetic to the Albanian population in Kosovo, specifically the Democratic administration, weren’t optimal, it is uncertain what to expect from a new Republican one. The relationships will need to be rebuilt constructively after the Trump administration assumes power,” he stated.
Vladisavljev reiterates that Kurti, regardless of international dynamics, will secure most of his votes by focusing on local issues, particularly those tied to relations between Serbs and Albanians.
"Sanctions are likely to have minimal impact on Self-Determination’s election results because Kurti’s entire communication strategy is centered on issues of a local nature rather than international ones. These primarily concern the Albanian population and relations with the Serbian community in Kosovo. While sanctions could be used as a message, the majority of his votes will come from domestic political issues," Vladisavljev concluded.